Monday, June 12, 2017

Students4Giving Reflection

Non-Profit and Philanthropy class was very special, it taught me the true meaning helping others and the power of collaborative work. During this class, we had the opportunity work together as a team in order to identify critical issues affecting our local community. During this process, we worked strategically and collaborate to come up with solutions while learning from local organizations that are currently addressing such issues. Lucky for me this class was filled with very smart individuals who share the same passion of social responsibility that make the process a whole lot more efficient.

Most important during this class I was able to understand what nonprofits are really all about. I learned about the immense amount of work that it's required to run a productive nonprofit. As i discovered In some cases, the leaders of organizations had to play many roles and take over many jobs in order to keep the organization alive.

We learned about financials and key roles of board members in an organization, we also had the great pleasure and opportunity to listen to some of the best people who currently server and run our local’s nonprofit. We learn where money comes from and how it gets disburse while addressing its core mission. We learned that organization allocation money is crucial. Because, not only does it show an organization commitments to its mission but the organization's ability to stay alive. In addition, we also learned about the consequences of poorly managing nonprofits money.

Overall, I am very lucky to have worked with likeminded people who seeks to encourage civic responsibility. In addition, Students4Giving has taught me that people "need a hand up and not a handout". I also learned about the many issues that come up as a result of inadequate housing. Finally, I am very satisfied by the amount of commitment and effort the team brought to the table. I will continue to seek out for opportunities where I can serve others. 

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