Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Class Reflection~

A friend recommended this course to me because she knew I had recently started a nonprofit. From the very first class I realized that I was in store for a new kind of educational experience.  I was surprised to find out that the classes would be primarily student-led and I wondered how much we could learn from this. To my delight, I found that we would acquire so much. We learned about nonprofits and how they are run, but most importantly we learned how to work together in a student community to accomplish something great.

These classroom interactions were a highlight for me. We had some very tough conversations about what should be prioritized and whose experiences mattered most. As if you can really make those kinds of decisions for anyone. But, we were required to make those decisions and we ultimately did.  During those discussions, we learned a lot about each other and I know that I learned much about myself.

I will remember most that we had the privilege of granting $10,000. And as many friends and family asked me “ten thousand real dollars?” I was able to proudly answer, “yes, ten thousand real dollars” It has been an honor to be trusted with making these important decisions and that feeling will be a part of me for the rest of my life.

Now I get to use the new tools that I acquired from this course along with what I learned from working with others and being introspective of myself, in my own nonprofit work.  I feel like my classmates really supported and challenged me to be better and I hope to take that with me and accomplish great things in the nonprofit community.

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