Thursday, April 27, 2017

As this class continues to discuss and investigate organizations that we would like donate to and help, I am quite often impressed with the knowledge, skills, and experience of the different people in the class.  One person in the class has already helped to start up a non-profit organization.  There are two others who have talked about how they would like to start one of their own someday.  There is one person who has extensive knowledge about grant writing, and how to get involved in volunteer work.  Another person has been volunteering at an organization that helps foster kids. 

I do not have a lot of experience with volunteer work and non-profits.  The reason I decided to take this class was because my advisor recommended it.  I was talking to her one day about which classes to take next for my accounting degree.  But then I told her: “Sometimes I’m not sure I’m right for this accounting career.  I am not a driven, competitive, perfectionist type who is bent on making a lot of money, like so many accountants I have met.  I am very easy-going, and would rather do something that helps other people, instead of just making money.”  She told me I should take this class, Intro to Nonprofits, because that might be a class that would fit my personality.  I think she was right.  The class is unconventional, and I think most of the other people in the class have the same desire that I do, to do work that is meaningful, and makes a difference in people’s lives.

Introducing the 2017 PCC Students4Giving

Wow, this term is just flying by! So thankful to be spending it with such a bright bunch of individuals.  So far we've nailed down a focus and come to a consensus about which issues we feel need the most attention in our community, we've researched and approached organizations we feel could benefit from our help, and learned about various forms of funding. I can't wait to visit and learn more about the organizations we feel passionately about. Plenty of passion to go around in this bunch, what an amazingly diverse class full of unique individuals. I made a little video to highlight our progress so far and give a little info on how we arrived at our focus for the term. Check it out!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

This 10th year anniversary class is 16 students with diverse backgrounds strong!  We are made up of survivors, skateboarders, musicians, moms, accountants, Americans, and international students.  Some of us are well-versed in this field and some of us recently had a dream that told us we needed to try this out.  No matter our background, it's safe to say that we are all passionate about serving the people in our community.  In these first few weeks of class we have all explored on our own bringing ideas to class on what issues need to be addressed in the Portland Metro Area.  Standing out the most was the housing/rental crisis that has touched us all in one way or another.  By the end of our fourth class we were able to branch off on our own and research organizations that support affordable housing and/or address housing insecurity; and on the fifth class we had complied a list of almost 25 unique organizations in our community!  I am thrilled to be with this class who makes this challenging work smooth and fun.
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